Explore the 2024 roadmap to becoming a frontend developer. Learn HTML, CSS, JavaScript, frameworks, and more to build responsive, modern websites. Start your web development journey today
1. Internet Basics
- How the Internet Works
- What is HTTP?
- What is Domain Name?
- What is Hosting?
- DNS and How it Works
- Browsers and How They Work
- Learn the Basics of HTML
- Writing Semantic HTML
- Forms and Validations
- Conventions and Best Practices
- Accessibility (a11y)
- SEO Basics
- CSS Architecture
- Responsive Design
- CSS Preprocessors (Sass, PostCSS)
- CSS Frameworks (Tailwind, etc.)
- CSS-in-JS (Styled Components, Emotion, etc.)
3. Version Control Systems
- Git Basics
- Working with GitHub
4. JavaScript
- Learn the Basics of JavaScript
- Writing Clean Code
- DOM Manipulation
- Fetch API/Ajax (XHR)
- ES6+ and Modular JavaScript
- Learn the Basics of Front-End Frameworks (React, Vue, Angular, Svelte, SolidJS, etc.)
5. Package Managers
- npm
- yarn
- pnpm
6. Build Tools
- Linters and Formatters (Prettier, ESLint)
- Module Bundlers (Webpack, Rollup, Vite, etc.)
- Task Runners
7. Web Security
- Content Security Policy (CSP)
- OWASP Security Risks
8. Web Components
- HTML Templates
- Custom Elements
- Shadow DOM
9. Type Checkers
- TypeScript
- Flow
10. Progressive Web Apps (PWA)
- Service Workers
- Web App Manifest
- IndexedDB
- LocalStorage
11. Performance Optimization
- Lazy Loading
- Web Vitals
- LightHouse
- Performance Metrics
12. Testing
- Unit Testing (Jest, Mocha)
- End-to-End Testing (Cypress, Playwright)
- Integration Testing
13. Deployment
- CI/CD Concepts
- Vercel, Netlify, AWS, etc.
14. Continue Learning
- Mobile Apps (React Native, Ionic, etc.)
- Desktop Apps (Electron, Tauri, Flutter)
- Server-side Rendering (Next.js, Nuxt.js, etc.)
- Static Site Generators (Gatsby, Next.js)
- GraphQL
15. Advanced Topics
- TypeScript Advanced
- Node.js
- Fullstack Development