100+ JavaScript Carousels Examples from CodePen: A Developer’s Guide

Check out this collection of 50+ examples from CodePen. Whether you’re looking for a simple image carousel or a more complex one with animations and interactions, you’re sure to find something here.

This article includes a brief overview of how JavaScript carousels work, as well as links to each of the examples. It also includes a discussion of the different JavaScript libraries that can be used to create carousels, and tips for choosing the right library for your project.

I hope you find this article helpful!

Title:- Infinite Carousel – vanilla Javascript
Author:-Marouen Mhiri
Made with:-HTML CSS JS

Title:- Card Carousel
Author:-Max Lykov
Made with:-HTML CSS JS

Title:- Custom Image Carousel
Author:-Jarrod Thibodeau
Made with:-HTML CSS JS

Title:- Carousel YoutubeMusic
Author:-victor tuesta ascoy
Made with:-HTML CSS JS

Title:- Vertical Carousel
Author:-Maxime Preaux
Made with:-HTML CSS JS

Title:- Move clicked item to the center of the Owl Carousel
Author:-Gleb Kemarsky
Made with:-HTML CSS JS

Title:- carousel gallery (responsive)
Author:-Jack Cohle
Made with:-HTML CSS JS

Title:- Javascript Carousel Slider
Made with:-HTML CSS JS

Title:- Movie card slider
Made with:-HTML CSS JS

Title:- Simple Vanilla JavaScript Carousel
Author:-Forbes Gray
Made with:-HTML CSS JS

Title:- Onboarding
Author:-Nick Wanninger
Made with:-HTML CSS JS

Title:- MCU Timeline Carousel
Author:-Ryan Mulligan
Made with:-HTML CSS JS

Title:- Owl Carousel 2 Testimonial Slider
Author:-shamim khan
Made with:-HTML CSS JS

Title:- Infinite Rotating Carousel with 100 List Items
Author:-Angela Galliat
Made with:-HTML CSS JS

Title:- Marquee-like Content Scrolling
Author:-Coding Journey
Made with:-HTML CSS JS

Title:- Infinite Carousel
Author:-Code Joey
Made with:-HTML CSS JS

Title:- Materialize + Owl Carousel
Author:-Jay Holtslander
Made with:-HTML CSS JS

Title:- Bootstrap 2 Carousel
Made with:-HTML CSS JS

Title:- 3D Carousel Slider Vanilla JS
Author:-Jonathan Ching
Made with:-HTML CSS JS

Title:- Momentum Carousel
Made with:-HTML CSS JS

Title:- Carousel
Made with:-HTML CSS JS

Title:- Carousel With Progress Bar
Made with:-HTML CSS JS

Title:- Infinite Carousel
Made with:-HTML CSS JS

Title:- Simple Typing Carousel
Author:-Gregory Schier
Made with:-HTML CSS JS

Title:- FlexBox Exercise #3 – Image carousel
Made with:-HTML CSS JS

Title:- Carousel Slider With Owl.js
Author:-Envato Tuts+
Made with:-HTML CSS JS

Title:- A Dribble Design Implementation
Author:-Sergiu Lucutar
Made with:-HTML CSS JS

Title:- 3D Carousel Room
Author:-Daniel Velasquez
Made with:-HTML CSS JS

Title:- Carousel Youtube Music
Author:-victor tuesta ascoy
Made with:-HTML CSS JS

Title:- Path Carousel Basic
Made with:-HTML CSS JS

Title:- Minimal Carousel with Horizontal Scroll
Author:-Frederic R.
Made with:-HTML CSS JS

Title:- Owl carousel and Animate.css
Author:-Dimbilalaina RAMANGALAHY
Made with:-HTML CSS JS

Title:- Carousel
Made with:-HTML CSS JS

Title:- Responsive carousel with hover effects – owl carousel
Author:-Mario Loncarek
Made with:-HTML CSS JS

Title:- Responsive Infinite Carousel
Author:-Lucas Motta
Made with:-HTML CSS JS

Title:- Path Slider Basic Demo
Made with:-HTML CSS JS

Title:- 3D carousel
Made with:-HTML CSS JS

Title:- 3D Rotating Carousel with CSS and JavaScript
Made with:-HTML CSS JS

Title:- Hover-Carousel
Author:-Yair Even Or
Made with:-HTML CSS JS

Title:- Full-container fading background video carousel
Author:-Ian Fleming
Made with:-HTML CSS JS

Title:- WebGL Apple Cards
Made with:-HTML CSS JS

Title:- Vertical carousel with TweenMax.js
Author:-Danil Goncharenko
Made with:-HTML CSS JS

Title:- Swipe Carousel
Author:-Bao Dang
Made with:-HTML CSS JS

Title:- 3D Carousel
Author:-Yoav Kadosh
Made with:-HTML CSS JS

Title:- Carousel with drag and wheel
Author:-Fabio Ottaviani
Made with:-HTML CSS JS

Title:- Vue card carousel
Made with:-HTML CSS JS

Title:- Basic Vanilla JS Carousel
Author:-Andrew Zamora
Made with:-HTML CSS JS

Title:- Carousel
Made with:-HTML CSS JS

Title:- Swipe Carousel
Author:-Bao Dang
Made with:-HTML CSS JS

Title:- Carousel text animation
Author:-Rafael Derolez
Made with:-HTML CSS JS

Title:- Scrolling Bootstrap Card Carousel
Author:-Kreig Durham
Made with:-HTML CSS JS

Title:- Material Cards – Carousel (mobile)
Author:-Kate Hummer
Made with:-HTML CSS JS

Title:- Portfolio Carousel with Synchronized Sliders
Made with:-HTML CSS JS

Title:- Owl Carousel Slider With Animation
Author:-FinByz Tech Pvt. Ltd.
Made with:-HTML CSS JS

Title:- Perspective Carousel Vanilla Js
Made with:-HTML CSS JS

Title:- React Carousel – Custom Version
Author:-Fernando Gomes
Made with:-HTML CSS JS

Title:- Portfolio Carousel with Synchronized Sliders
Made with:-HTML CSS JS

Title:- Blob Carousel For The Planet
Author:-Paulina Hetman
Made with:-HTML CSS JS

Title:- 3D Carousel/Slider (Vanilla JS)
Author:-Jonathan Ching
Made with:-HTML CSS JS

Title:- Carousels in a Carousel
Author:-William Staudenmeier
Made with:-HTML CSS JS

Title:- Flexbox Testimonial Carousel
Author:-James Pistell
Made with:-HTML CSS JS

Title:- 3D Carousel Swipe
Made with:-HTML CSS JS

Title:- Product Showcase UI
Author:-Aysenur Turk
Made with:-HTML CSS JS

Title:- Flickity – sync 3, jQuery
Author:-Dave DeSandro
Made with:-HTML CSS JS

Title:- 3D Carousel Using TweenMax.js & jQuery
Author:-John Blazek
Made with:-HTML CSS JS

Title:- Carousel Slider With Owl.js
Author:-Envato Tuts+
Made with:-HTML CSS JS

Title:- Carousel
Made with:-HTML CSS JS

Title:- Simple Synchronised Carousel
Author:-Rian Ariona
Made with:-HTML CSS JS

Title:- Slider with Infinite Loop with Drag and Scroll
Author:-Fabio Ottaviani
Made with:-HTML CSS JS

Title:- Drag and Scroll Carousel
Author:-Fabio Ottaviani
Made with:-HTML CSS JS

Title:- Simple Carousel with JS
Made with:-HTML CSS JS

Title:- Split 3D Carousel
Author:-Paul Noble
Made with:-HTML CSS JS

Title:- 3D Carousel Panorama
Author:-Tom Miller
Made with:-HTML CSS JS

Title:- Expandable Animated Card Slider
Author:-Yudiz Solutions Limited
Made with:-HTML CSS JS

Title:- Vanilla JS Carousel
Author:-Marcus Michaels
Made with:-HTML CSS JS

Title:- Carousel
Made with:-HTML CSS JS

Title:- Infinite Carousel
Author:-Ben M
Made with:-HTML CSS JS

Title:- Simple Swiping Slider
Made with:-HTML CSS JS

Title:- Carousel (React)
Author:-Andy Pagès
Made with:-HTML CSS JS

Title:- Mouse Driven Vertical Carousel
Author:-Tomislav Jezidžić
Made with:-HTML CSS JS

Title:- Vue Card Carousel
Made with:-HTML CSS JS

Title:- CSS 3D Carousel Room
Author:-Daniel Velasquez
Made with:-HTML CSS JS

Title:- 3D Colorful Animated Carousel
Author:-Edmundo Santos
Made with:-HTML CSS JS

Title:- Multiple Carousels using vanilla JavaScript
Author:-Magnus Kjelland
Made with:-HTML CSS JS

Title:- Carousel Team
Author:-Marco Barría
Made with:-HTML CSS JS

Title:- Synced owl Carousel with Thumbnails
Author:-Pankaj Thakur
Made with:-HTML CSS JS

Title:- Slider/Carousel with touch scroll on touches devices
Made with:-HTML CSS JS

Title:- Testimonials Carousel
Author:-Gabriel Toledo
Made with:-HTML CSS JS

Title:- Playlist Carousel – css only
Author:-Aybüke Ceylan
Made with:-HTML CSS JS

Title:- Product Carousel
Made with:-HTML CSS JS

Title:- Infinite Automatic Carousel
Author:-Julien Lejeune
Made with:-HTML CSS JS

Title:- CSS Carousel
Made with:-HTML CSS JS

Title:- bootstrap 3 multiple items responsive carousel
Author:-Oleksandr Zinchenko
Made with:-HTML CSS JS

Title:- Gallery Viewer Carousel / Tiles
Author:-Chris Rowlands
Made with:-HTML CSS JS

Title:- Simple jQuery Infinite Carousel
Author:-Matthew Williams
Made with:-HTML CSS JS

Title:- Flexbox Carousel (Final)
Author:-Nick Walsh
Made with:-HTML CSS JS

Title:- Slider with Infinite Loop with Drag and Scroll – Horizontal
Author:-Fabio Ottaviani
Made with:-HTML CSS JS

Title:- Responsive Testimonial Carousel using OwlCarousel with Next and Previous Preview
Author:-Md Nahidul Islam
Made with:-HTML CSS JS

Title:- Owl Carousel 2 – Basic
Made with:-HTML CSS JS

Title:- Simple Swiping Carousel
Made with:-HTML CSS JS

Title:- New Year Holiday Card
Made with:-HTML CSS JS

Title:- CSS 3D Carousel
Author:-Jesper Hills
Made with:-HTML CSS JS

Title:- Infinity Carousel
Made with:-HTML CSS JS

Title:- Carousel Lock Interface
Author:-Jack Rugile
Made with:-HTML CSS JS

Title:- Infinite Carousel with Pure CSS and JS
Made with:-HTML CSS JS