Angular Rich Text Editors is a module for the AngularJS framework that provides a rich text editor.
It’s an implementation of the WYSIWYG (what you see is what you get) editor, where you can write your content in rich format and see it rendered on the browser.
Here is a list of popular Open Source Angular Rich Text Editors :
Table of Contents
1. AngularEditor
A simple native WYSIWYG editor component for Angular 6 -14+
2. ckeditor4-angular
Official CKEditor 4 WYSIWYG editor component for Angular.
3. jodit-angular

This package is a wrapper around Jodit to make it easier to use in a Angular application.
4. ngx-quill

Angular (>=2) components for the Quill Rich Text Editor
5. TextAngular
6. tinymce-angular

This package is a thin wrapper around TinyMCE to make it easier to use in an Angular application.
7. ngx-wig

Angular(also Angular 12) WYSIWYG HTML Rich Text Editor
8. sibiraj-s/ngx-editor

Rich Text Editor for angular using ProseMirror
9. taiga-ui

Taiga UI is fully-treeshakable Angular UI Kit consisting of multiple base libraries and several add-ons.
Why Taiga UI
Modular and fully-treeshakable.
Well engineered.
Read more about Taiga UI main features in this article on inDepth
10. ej2-angular-ui-components

Syncfusion Angular UI Components library has been built from the ground up to be lightweight, responsive, modular and touch friendly. It offers 70+ UI components that every applications will ever need.
11. Froala Editor

Beautiful JavaScript web editor that’s easy to integrate for developers
and your users will simply fall in love with its clean design.
12. Summernote

Summernote is a JavaScript library that helps you create WYSIWYG editors online.
13. ng2-ckeditor

Use the CKEditor (4.x) wysiwyg in your Angular application.
14. PrimeNG Editor

Editor is rich text editor component based on Quill.
15. Angular-Text-Diff