20+ Owl Carousel Examples for Developers, and Designers

Check out these amazing examples from CodePen! From basic to advanced, these demos show you how to use Owl Carousel to create beautiful, responsive carousels for your website.

Title:- Waterwheel with owl carousel 2
Author:- dreamer22001
Made with:- HTML CSS JS

Title:- Owl Carousel 2 with Vertical Thumbnails
Author:- Sabri
Made with:- HTML CSS JS

Title:- Materialize + Owl Carousel
Author:- Jay Holtslander
Made with:- HTML CSS JS

Title:- News Slider Carousel
Author:- Gabriel Toledo
Made with:- HTML CSS JS

Title:- Text animated slider (owl carousel with text animation)
Author:- Niloydeysarkar
Made with:- HTML CSS JS

Title:- Owl Carousel html5 video
Author:- Chris Francart
Made with:- HTML CSS JS

Title:- Carousel Slider With Owl.js
Author:- Envato Tuts+
Made with:- HTML CSS JS

Title:- Owl carousel and Animate.css
Author:- Dimbilalaina RAMANGALAHY
Made with:- HTML CSS JS

Title:- Synced owl Carousel with Thumbnails
Author:- Pankaj Thakur
Made with:- HTML CSS JS

Title:- Testimonials Carousel
Author:- Gabriel Toledo
Made with:- HTML CSS JS

Title:- Responsive Owl Carousel with Magnific Popup YouTube and Text
Author:- Ralph Ramil Zamora
Made with:- HTML CSS JS

Title:- Move clicked item to the center of the Owl Carousel
Author:- Gleb Kemarsky
Made with:- HTML CSS JS

Title:- Owl Carousel owl slider (Responsive) 2020
Author:- Satveer Singh Randhawa
Made with:- HTML CSS JS

Title:- Responsive carousel with hover effects – owl carousel
Author:- Mario Loncarek
Made with:- HTML CSS JS

Title:- Owl Carousel – Arrows appear on hover
Author:- Gleb Kemarsky
Made with:- HTML CSS JS

Title:- Expandable Animated Card Slider
Author:- Yudiz Solutions Pvt. Ltd.
Made with:- HTML CSS JS

Title:- owl carousel 2 testimonial slider example
Author:- shamim khan
Made with:- HTML CSS JS

Title:- Owl Carousel 2 Testimonial Slider
Author:- shamim khan
Made with:- HTML CSS JS

Title:- Responsive Testimonial Carousel using OwlCarousel with Next and Previous Preview
Author:- Md Nahidul Islam
Made with:- HTML CSS JS

Title:- Owl Carousel 2 – Basic
Author:- Nelis
Made with:- HTML CSS JS

Title:- Owl Carousel 2 sync demo with loop/autoplay
Author:- Washaweb
Made with:- HTML CSS JS