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15+ React Autocomplete Component Examples for Better User Experience

    Learn how to use React autocomplete components to improve the user experience of your web applications. This blog post includes 15+ examples of React autocomplete components, as well as tips on how to choose the right component for your needs

    1. Downshift-Js/Downshift

    Author: DOWNSHIFT-JS

    Description: A set of primitives to build simple, flexible, WAI-ARIA compliant , combobox or select dropdown components.

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    2. Moroshko/-Autosuggest

    Author: MOROSHKO

    Description: WAI-ARIA compliant autosuggest component

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    3. Searchkit/Searchkit

    Author: SEARCHKIT

    Description: Search UI for Elasticsearch & Opensearch. Compatible with Algolia’s Instantsearch and components. & Vue support

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    4. Reactjs/-

    Author: REACTJS

    Description: WAI-ARIA compliant (combobox) component

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    5. Faridsafi/-Native-Google-Places-


    Author: FARIDSAFI

    Description: Customizable Google Places component for iOS and Android -Native apps

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    6. Alexkuz/-Input-Enhancements

    Author: ALEXKUZ

    Description: Set of enhancements for input control

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    7. React-Tags/-Tags

    Author: REACT-TAGS

    Description: A fantastically simple tagging component for your projects

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    8. Hibiken/-Places-


    Author: HIBIKEN

    Description: component for Google Maps Places

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    9. Wellyshen/Use-Places-

    Author: WELLYSHEN

    Description: hook for Google Maps Places .

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    10. Mrlaessig/-Native–Input

    Author: MRLAESSIG

    Description: Pure javascript input for -native

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    11. Csandman/Chakra–Select


    Author: CSANDMAN

    Description: A Chakra UI themed wrapper for the popular library Select

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    12. Tolu360/-Native-Google-Places


    Author: TOLU360

    Description: iOS/Android Google Places Widgets ( Modals) and API Services for Native Apps

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    13. I-Like-Robots/-Tags


    Author: I-LIKE-ROBOTS

    Description: A fantastically simple tagging component for your projects

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    14. Webscopeio/-Textarea-

    Author: WEBSCOPEIO

    Description: component implements configurable GitHub’s like textarea .

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    15. Errorpro/-Google-

    Author: ERRORPRO

    Description: components for google places API.

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    16. Anubra266/Choc-


    Author: ANUBRA266

    Description: Component Package for Chakra UI

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    17. Harshq/-Native-Mentions

    Author: HARSHQ

    Description: Mentions textbox for Native. Works on both ios and android.

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    18. Koolamusic/Chakra-Ui-


    Author: KOOLAMUSIC

    Description: An utility UI library to use with Chakra UI

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    19. Sharlaan/Material-Ui-Superselectfield


    Author: SHARLAAN

    Description: multiselection dropdown component for Material-UI

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    20. React Autocomplete component – Material UI

    Author: material-ui

    Description: MUI Core: Ready-to-use foundational React components, free forever. It includes Material UI, which implements Google’s Material Design.

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    21. React google autocomplete

    Author: Ven Korolev

    Description: MUI Core: Ready-to-use foundational React components, free forever. It includes Material UI, which implements Google’s Material Design.

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