JavaScript Tetris is a challenge for programmers of all skill levels. The game is simple to learn, but difficult you’ll learn about variables, loops, functions, and other programming concepts. JavaScript Tetris is a great way to improve your coding skills and have fun at the same time.


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Author:- Skybird Trill
Made with:- HTML CSS JS

Title:- Tetris
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Made with:- HTML CSS JS

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Author:- Jose Quintana
Made with:- HTML CSS JS

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Author:- Dylan Greene
Made with:- HTML CSS JS

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Author:- Kyle Shanks
Made with:- HTML CSS JS

Title:- 3D Tetris
Author:- Lennart Hase
Made with:- HTML CSS JS

Title:- A Pen by Shahn-Auronas
Author:- Shahn-Auronas
Made with:- HTML CSS JS

Title:- Unlucky Tetris
Author:- Arjun Ace
Made with:- HTML CSS JS

Title:- Tetris
Author:- hankuro
Made with:- HTML CSS JS

Title:- Tetris the game
Author:- iftrrtrn
Made with:- HTML CSS JS

Title:- Tetris
Author:- Hitesh Sahu
Made with:- HTML CSS JS

Title:- Tetris Arcade Game – Atari 1988
Author:- Josetxu
Made with:- HTML CSS JS

Title:- Backbone Tetris
Author:- unlikenesses
Made with:- HTML CSS JS

Title:- Tetris w/ high score tracking
Author:- Daniel Meeusen
Made with:- HTML CSS JS

Title:- Tetris
Author:- Rich East
Made with:- HTML CSS JS

Title:- Tetris background
Author:- Loktar
Made with:- HTML CSS JS

Title:- Tetris
Author:- Toni Leigh Sharpe
Made with:- HTML CSS JS

Title:- Tetris
Author:- Shadman Kudchikar
Made with:- HTML CSS JS