10+ Best React File Upload Components for Drag-and-Drop Uploads

Best React file upload components. Find the perfect component for your needs, with features like drag-and-drop, multiple file uploads, and progress indicators. Vault-Ai Author: Pashpashpash Description: OP Vault ChatGPT: Give ChatGPT long-term memory using the OP Stack (OpenAI + Pinecone Vector…

10 React js Apps Examples You May Like To Check Out

ReactJs examples

I’ve been trying to find some good React js Apps Examples and I found a lot of them on GitHub. 1. Salesforce-Limits-Tracker This app uses Node.js, ReactJS, and Salesforce technology to display organizational limitation in Salesforce CRM. Node.js builds the…

Top 6 Removeddit Alternatives for 2024

removeddit alternative

Removeddit is a popular website that allows users to view deleted or removed comments and posts on Reddit. However, it is not the only option available for accessing Reddit content that has been taken down by moderators or users. In…

80+ CSS Arrow Designs for Developers to Use in 2024

css arrow example

creative and beautiful CSS arrow designs for your next web project? Check out this list of 80+ awesome CSS arrow designs, perfect for developers of all skill levels. See the Pen Pure CSS Arrows by saeedalipoor (@saeedalipoor) on CodePen. Title:-…

10+ Mind-Blowing Ken Burns Effects in CSS & JS (CodePen)

Ken Burns Effect

Level up your web design check out the best collection of 10+ Ken Burns effects from CodePen! No Javascript required – explore pure CSS solutions for developers who value code. Find inspiration for beautiful animations, unique slideshows, and hidden gems…

25+ Creating Stunning CSS Text Shadows for Your Website

The CSS text-shadow the property adds a shadow effect to the text. It takes values for the horizontal offset, vertical offset, blur radius, and shadow color. Example: In this example, the text-shadow the property adds a 2px horizontal shadow 2px…

CSS Parallax Effect Example – Frontendin

Parallax Effect

See the Pen Pure CSS Parallax Effect by Joshua Bemenderfer (@tribex) on CodePen. Title:- Pure CSS Parallax EffectAuthor:- Joshua BemenderferMade With:- HTML CSS See the Pen Pure CSS Parallax Effect (Depth of field) by FlyC (@FlyC) on CodePen. Title:- Pure…