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React Native Material Dropdown
Material dropdown with consistent behavior on iOS and Android
Easy to use
Consistent look and feel on iOS and Android
Customizable font size, colors, and animation duration
Dynamic dropdown size and position
Configurable visible item count
RTL support
Pure javascript implementation
Minimalistic dropdown and auto-complete component with filtering and keyboard support
React Multi-Select Component
Simple and lightweight multiple selection dropdown components with checkboxes, search and select-all
Lightweight (<5KB)
Written w/ TypeScript
React Native Dropdown Alert
A simple alert to notify users about new chat messages, something went wrong or everything is ok.
Simple DropDown menu for React Native App!
React Native Dropdown is simple, customizable, and easy to use the dropdown to React Native. Works with both Android and IOS.
React Dropdown Tree Select
A lightweight and fast control to render a select component that can display hierarchical tree data. In addition, the control shows the selection in pills and allows users to search the options for quick filtering and selection. Also supports displaying partially selected nodes.
Material ui superSelectField
multiselection autocomplete dropdown component for Material-UI
Custom dropdown components for ReactJS.
This package features two custom dropdown menu components for ReactJS.
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